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Splitting Infinitives? Nah... Splitting fff's!

Splitting Infinitives? Nah... Splitting fff's!

What's up? A bunch of stuff really - we blew through the Snow Blind (tiny, tiny bit left - more in a couple of weeks) - faster than I even thought we would. I guess the upside is I expected us to be out of Little Red Rooster and Nothing Else Matters by now, but we have a tiny bit left of them too... Let me know, but please be quick!  Otherwise, there will be more out in a week or two.  

Trade feedback has been pretty good in terms of business - seems like last week was much better than most had expected. Our trade sales up 22%YoY last week and looking up around 60%YoY this week, but skewed by a big bottles order.  Good! In terms of our own TapRoom sales - pretty solid for us too - the Snow Blind is understated as this looks at the whole week, and it has only been on for 3 of the days! Anyway - here is what folks are drinking at ours... So much squealing when we don't have Goldfffinger on, but maybe you can see why I am not so fussed?! We were out of Pressed Rat - so it doesn't feature, but back now!

Also... a little bit of fun - let me know if you need some glasses for the split the fff​ challenge! We'll launch this with a bit more noise next week but all a bit of fun. Try it and tag us on social media... Happy (always to shout out any of our customers on our social media, and this is a fun way to do it!)

What's On? I need to get Snow Blind added to this - mind you only got a tiny bit be super quick! Still 9 beers to choose from...

What's about? Well, apart from splitting the fffs... 

Would love your feedback on something... We shout loud and proud about Alton's Pride's Great British Beer Festival Supreme Champion Beer of Britain win on the pump clip. Why not eh? Little old us winning the highest award in the land with a 3.8%er - not shabby as only 36 Breweries out of the 2,000 odd in the UK have won it since 1978... Qualitatively and quantitively using SIBA data, that means in the top 2%... Anyway, a question for you - We've not shouted on pump clips about the Gold win for SIBA Cask British Beer [alongside LongMan Brewery] in the most recent South East and London - is having a little clip you can clip onto the pump clips shouting about this useful? It would look like this. Does it help sell more beer? 

The other thing is should we be shouting more about the Independent and British thing? We've seen some folks do it - obviously you know we are, but not all your customers might be as edumacated. 

Wish you the best for the weekend and wish we can bring you beer next week! 

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