The night's magic seems to whisper and hush...
Dec 13, 2024
We've brewed some Nothing Else Matters as well this week... OK partly influenced by me (I love it) but also influenced by many of you (so do a lot of your customers! Out in the early New Year.
What's about?
I had a chat with a friend who said he thought maybe Triple fff produced too many varieties of beer, and why didn't we only do Moondance? The answer to that question is pretty long and varied, and there are parts of it that say, "why do you listen to more than one song? Or why eat more than one thing?" but there are parts of his logic too, that make good sense... I only order one type of coffee bean at home, I typically only use one type of toothpaste, and besides, beer is an essential too, right? Humm. Deep philosophical stuff.
Anyway, the important part of it is that selling a good variety of beers helps us sell more beer. That said, Moondance (also the hardest beer to make) is absolutely our bestseller when you look at the year in total. Sure some weeks/days it gets beaten by others (in particular Sundown) but overall it is the winner out of our core selection. Works out at something like a pint every 20 seconds for Moondance for when pubs are open, quite a fun stat. I could be 3 pintssss deeeep just on thizzz paragrpaphffnh?! 😉
Wish you a great weekend and hope we can be the real fffestive cheer for all your customers.
A man buys a parrot as a gift to the household for Christmas. The parrot is pretty chatty but has an absolute potty mouth. Over a couple of days the Parrot manages to offend everyone in the house and everyone who comes to the house... Things are bad with the fff'ing great parot... (!) and to make matters worse the mother in law is arriving in a couple of days.
A man buys a parrot as a gift to the household for Christmas. The parrot is pretty chatty but has an absolute potty mouth. Over a couple of days the Parrot manages to offend everyone in the house and everyone who comes to the house... Things are bad with the fff'ing great parot... (!) and to make matters worse the mother in law is arriving in a couple of days.
The man takes the parrot for a talking to and decides it needs some time to figuritively and literally cool down, so he sticks it in the freezer for 5 mins...
On taking it out the parrot is immediately bioth cold and contrite and says he's very sorry and will mind his mouth going forward... There is then a short pause... And the parrot adds nervously "what did the turkey do?"
Bon weekend, Xen