mmm... fff!
Dec 09, 2024
What's up? Well, the subject line kind of is an abbreviated version - the usual What's up? What's on? What's about? It is a bit of Manic Monday Madness as Fabulous Festivities Fizz... Busy and SO good to hear most of our customers having a better 10 days having had to really battle through Sept, Oct and Nov [beginning around exactly the time someone said "it's going to be a difficult budget"]... Anyway seems like in general some much better days and I hope your business was storm boosted not curtailed this past weekend.
What's on? Lots to choose from!
Moondance 4.2% Pale Ale
Alton's Pride 3.8% Best Bitter
Sundown 4.3% Golden IPA/Extra Pale
Pressed Rat & Warthog 3.8% Dark Mild
Comfortably Numb 5% Strong Ale
Little Red Rooster 5.7% Red Ale
Winter Sunset 4.6% Zesty Pale Ale
What's about? Lots of folks asking us about our Snowblind Stout due to the Guinness shortage going on... 2 things on this one is it wasn't really like Guinness at all and the second one is it all sold out like so many of the specials in about 2 days! Anyway, if you are looking to a) increase your margins and b) convert some Guinness drinkers to something genuinely delicious, then do consider Pressed Rat & Warthog. It is a proper beer - at SIBA nationals this March it took 3rd for the whole country for dark session beers... Now it doesn't taste like Guinness, but as folks drink with their eyes... Well, you tell me?!
Wish you a fffabulous week ahead. Just as an FYI we are only delivering 23rd and 27th in Christmas week, so if you can please make sure the cellar is stocked in the next couple of weeks that helps massively!
Very best wishes,