I turned to look, but it was gone
Jul 15, 2024
What's up? Well yes, the subject line could be about our specials of late (!), but it is also a line from the wonderfully haunting Comfortably Numb - which we brewed a lot of this week. It won't be ready until early August (strong beer = needs conditioning), but super excited to have this back soon - a favourite, and we have had some demands that we make it an "always available" - we're still thinking about this - basically with the duty tax incentives meaning most brewers are brewing "lower alcohol beer to meet demand" (yeah - "demand" - right) we do see significantly increased demand for our stronger beers in on trade.
That made me think about what trends we can see on our own Tap Room data - so I had a look. I didn't include Jan and Feb because, well because they're so miserable they don't deserve to be statistically significant - ha! Anyway FWIW - Moondance & Sundown are Mr & Mrs Consistent - Pressed Rat is almost Miss Consistent - but understandably a bit less in Summer (shouldn't though - but then again Christmas used to be signified by green until Coca-Cola had their way! So advertising that it should be a cold lager is I guess winning, even if those who know-know [it should be a mild!]). Anyway the third observation is on our lagers and pilsners - they're nailing it.
Very little cask Barbarian left now, so be quick - or read subject line! A couple of hardcore locals bemoan not having Goldfffinger on, but the stats say not the end of the world. BTW, in terms of total number of all fff pints sold? Very consistent. Typically, 3% +/- MoM. Nice trajectory from Jagged Little Pilsner... Have you tried it? Have you visited our Tap Room recently - you're always welcome!
Percentage beer sales in OffftheRails
What's On?

MOONDANCE 4.2% Pale Ale - Our best seller - nicely rounded Cascade Hop finish, almost get elderflower flavours from it... a smooth, more-ish pale ale. Best Bitter winner 2002. https://triplefff.com/collections/core/products/moondance
ALTON’S PRIDE 3.8% Best Bitter - Traditional best bitter - full bodied and biscuity. This is my go-to. Supreme Champion Beer of Britain 2008 winner. https://triplefff.com/collections/core/products/altons-pride
SUNDOWN -4.3% Golden Ale – A Golden IPA with mild citra coming through at the end – originally brewed for the Coronation but we ran out 3 weeks beforehand and realised we had made something pretty special. My drop of choice this week. https://triplefff.com/collections/core/products/sundown
PRESSED RAT & WARTHOG – 3.8% Dark - Chocolate and Coffee and if you find your northern roots and put it through a sparkler, you get something special. Only 3.8% with awesome body. I shouldn't say this, running a brewery - but you know how the most refreshing thing on a hot day can be a warm cup of tea? Well in beer terms people tend to think it is a lager on a hot day that is best - whilst you can't call individual tastes wrong [well, they are!] - the most refreshing beer?- I'd be reaching for a Rat! https://triplefff.com/collections/core/products/pressed-rat-warthog
BARBARIAN - 4.7% Lager - Clean, crisp yet as with our general style has a full body and enduring complexity - I get notes of whiskey at the end of it - that could just be my "unique" palate though?! To me (non-lager drinker) this is delicious. Cask, Keykeg or PolyKEG - give it a go!
What's About? Ok, really trying to leave football till later - but come on England! - have seen a couple of things that were educational. The first one was on why you get typically get worse at drinking as you age. The basic elements to this were a) body worse at producing the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, b) average percentage body water content gets lower with age [didn't know this] - alcohol is water soluble so this has a significant effect, c) stuff just works less well as you age - that includes organs - liver etc... My guess is you probably knew a) and/or b) or overall but now more specific information to really bore folks with! Yeah, and I found this interesting? Hummm. Must. Get. Out. More.
Secondly or should I say 17thly we are having our Brewery Open Day on 17th August - let me know if you want tickets... We have bands, beers, food trucks - all the makings of a good day - and if you want to promote any event you are doing at it, then you're more than welcome.
Wishing you a cracker of a weekend - hope we can bring you some beer next week... To hopefully celebrate....
This made me smile... https://youtu.be/Y_T95PPOjgA?feature=shared
P.P.S. And I'm Scottish too for the record - but really hope England bring it!
Xen Gladstone