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www... sometimes I think it's a sin...

www... sometimes I think it's a sin...

When I feel like I'm winning but I'm losing again! 
If you like a bit of Gordon Lightfoot? Sundown
What's up? Well it has been a decent week overall but somehow the last line of the song reminds me that you can't count your chickens! I know that the song is nothing about that, I know that it is important to enjoy wins - but hey - I am from Scotland and as we all know Scottish optimism is often personified as "aye - that won't work!" [a bit like our football - ugh!].  Anyway in beer terms for us this past week Sundown overtook Moondance in our tap room. Is often close but this is interesting and I think folks choosing it over a lager around the football... 
I say a decent week - feedback is a bit more mixed - I see this as more of a net positive. Why? Well last week most folks said it wasn't great and now there are either more decent days or better spells. Maybe things are turning? Especially when considering it is end of month and ahead of holidays... Our own tap room has been a bit unusual. Last Friday was quiet, weekend was OK, but this week has seen almost exactly the same amount of business every night - even Monday and Tuesday and these have been OK levels. 
What's On? We brewed more We'll Meet Again...
MOONDANCE 4.2% Pale Ale - Our best seller - nicely rounded Cascade Hop finish, almost get elderflower flavours from it... a smooth, more-ish pale ale. Best Bitter winner 2002. 
ALTON’S PRIDE 3.8% Best Bitter - Traditional best bitter - full bodied and biscuity. This is my go-to. Supreme Champion Beer of Britain 2008 winner. 
SUNDOWN - 4.3% Golden Ale – A Golden IPA with mild citra coming through at the end – originally brewed for the Coronation but we ran out 3 weeks beforehand and realised we had made something pretty special - renamed Sundown and challenging for the title of bestseller with Moondance... My go to after this damn cycle ride! 
PRESSED RAT & WARTHOG – 3.8% Dark - Chocolate and Coffee and if you find your northern roots and put it through a sparkler, you get something special. Only 3.8% with awesome body.  I shouldn't say this, running a brewery - but you know how the most refreshing thing on a hot day can be a warm cup of tea? Well in beer terms people tend to think it is a lager on a hot day that is best - whilst you can't call individual tastes wrong [well, they are!] - the most refreshing beer?- I'd be reaching for a Rat! 
BARBARIAN - 4.7% Lager - Clean, crisp yet as with our general style has a full body and enduring complexity - I get notes of whiskey at the end of it - that could just be my "unique" palate though?! To me (non-lager drinker) this is delicious. Cask, Keykeg or PolyKEG - give it a go! 
JAGGED LITTLE PILSNER - 5% - stunning pilsner, super pale - slight hint of watermelon - so popular in our own tap room something we are happy not to sell externally as we know it goes so fast... Keykegs and back soon in Polykegs if you want to try it?
WE'LL MEET AGAIN - 3.8% - Pale. Elegant. Delicious. Absolutely flew out last time - please let me know ASAP if you want some. 
What's about? I like pictures and things that make things easy for me to understand, I mean why not? This one is eye catching. I however am not quite sure that I understand it. I'm also not convinced it is genuine, just because of the typo on Hungary but FWIW the picture is below. 
Anyone know what tax they are talking about? If they are saying it is VAT, it seems low - I mean if average price is say £4.85 for a pint then the number would be 81p... If it is duty they are talking about, depending on the ABVs it would be in the range or 20-35p. Malt doesn't carry VAT but almost every other damn ingredient and input does. Maybe they're netting off input VAT to give some sort of number? Anyway maybe it doesn't even matter if they are comparing apples to apples?! And the point is our taxes are too damn high! 
This much you know of course, but seeing it in a picture format might make you inspired to click this ling and send an automated link to your candidates? We did. Three replies. Blue guy said he is on it, comes from a  brewery background and cares. Yellow guy said he was on it and was hoping to talk to a brewery in person on it (maybe he did not realise we were the brewery he had booked to come and see literally 2 or 3x but never shown up at?! - anyway he's a busy guy so benefit of the doubt here), the Green guy said he really valued pubs. We're not political - these just factual statements on the feedback. Click this  - seriously no effort required. See what the colour-bearer candidates come back with!
Have a great weekend and hope we can bring you some fffabulous beer next week, and GO ENGLAND because we all want more of that good trade... That and the winning...
P.S. Since we're experienceing some elecrotal disfunction next week! 
A rabbi, a Hindu priest, and a politician went on a hike...
Night fell and they were exhausted. The hotel on the map was nowhere to be seen.

They knocked on the door of a farm and asked if they could spend the night.

The farmer said, “Of course, but I only have a small room with two beds. One of you will have to sleep in the barn.”

The Hindu priest said, “I need no material comforts. I will gladly take the barn.”

The rabbi and the politician were settling in when they heard a knock on the door. They opened it to find the Hindu priest standing there.

“So sorry, my friends, but there is a cow in the barn, and I cannot sleep beside such a holy animal.”

The rabbi said, “No problem, my brother. I’ll take the barn.

The Hindu priest and the politician were settling in when they heard a knock on the door. They opened it to find the rabbi standing there.

“So sorry, my friends, but there’s a pig in the barn, and I can’t sleep beside such a filthy animal.”

The politician said, “OK, let it be remembered that I sacrificed my comfort for the greater good.”

The rabbi and the Hindu priest were settling in when they heard a knock on the door. They opened it to find the pig and the cow standing there.
What do you get it you ask a politician to tell 'the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'?
3 different answers
Bon weekend! X
Xen Gladstone
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